Thank you for choosing me!
Chrytatywna Choinka




Towarzystwo Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Polsce Oddział w Suwałkach

Cytrynka welcomes you here! I am one of the cats with the longest experience in the kittenier. I came here after the death of my guardian, an elderly lady living right next to the Lithuanian border. She took care of 15 cats, and after her death there was no one who could take over such a large herd. Five cats, including me, came to Suwałki. I am a calm cat, I don't like being teased, I live on the highest beds in the kittenier, where I can lie down in peace. It's a bit crowded here, I dream of my own home. I have a problem with my intestines, so I need constant supplementation of my bacterial flora and good food. Years of eating everything I could, unfortunately, took a toll on my health.

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